God asks us to live generously and share our resources so that all have enough.
We offer several different ways to give.
Find the joy of generosity with us.

Weekly Offering
Each week, we collect an offering during worship that is used to support the general ministries of our congregation. These include, but are not limited to, resources for Sunday morning worship, Bible studies, hosting Marshfield Area Respite Care Center, and much more.
Donations by cash, coin, and check may be placed in the offering basket as it comes around, mailed to the church office, dropped off during office hours, or given electronically (by clicking on the "Donate" button above). You can also work with your bank or financial institution to arrange regular checks or EFT to our church.

Monthly "Noisy Can" Collection
Month to month, we designate a special ministry or program in our community, our nation, or the world to receive a special "noisy can" collection. In this way, we have been able to share with such causes as Feed My Starving Children, the Honor Flight, Soup or Socks Food Pantry, and many others.
You're invited to drop your donation in the "noisy can" at the back of the sanctuary on your way in or out of worship on Sunday. We also accept cash or check mailed to (or dropped off at) the church office. Just be sure to write "Noisy Can" and the month on your check or envelope so that we can make sure it gets to where it needs to go.

Wills, Memorials, and Legacy Giving
Out of our love for one another, we find there are moments in life when we want to recognize, honor, or memorialize someone who has made a difference in our lives and/or in the life of our communities. Similarly, we also find that we want to make investments in those folks coming after us (who we may never know, but to whom we want to leave a better church and a better world).
If you would like to make a donation in memory or honor of a loved one, or are considering how you might make an impact financially with your own "legacy gift", it would be our privilege to help you do so. Simply contact the church office by phone or email, and we can begin the conversation about what possibilities are available.